Hilde and Rune – Norway, August 2022

For noen år siden begynte vi tenke at en safari i Afrika var noe vi burde oppleve i løpet av livet. Litt nettsøk viste at mulighetene var mange, men vi skjønte at det også var mange fallgruver. Vi ønsket en…

Hilde and Rune – Norway, August 2022

Finally really landed after the Africa trip. And what a trip! Must say everything exceeded all our expectations, except the expected ‘This is Africa’-moments, which we hardly experienced. Arriving in Maun was without problems, and we were immediately greeted by a representative…

Ellen Paulsen – Norway (English translation). June/July 2022

I dreamed of traveling to Africa with my daughter, but was unsure where and how to start planning - when chance led me to Andy Higgs of The Grown Up Travel Company. After I had described what we dreamed of, Andy immediately set about tailoring a trip that really hit the target!

Ellen Paulsen – Norway. Juni/juli 2022

Jeg drømte om å reise til Afrika med datteren min, men var usikker på hvor og hvordan vi skulle starte planleggingen - da tilfeldigheter førte meg til Andy Higgs i The Grown Up Travel Company. Etter at jeg hadde beskrevet hva vi drømte om, var Andy umiddelbart i gang med å skreddersy en tur som virkelig traff MIDT i blinken!

Join Me in Zimbabwe in May 2025!

A unique adventure through Africa’s untamed beauty in May 2025. On this 9-night itinerary we will start with a stay at the beautiful Nkosi Guest Lodge in Victoria Falls and then explore two world-renowned areas of wonderful Zimbabwe: Hwange National Park and Lake Kariba.

Staying at two legendary camps, Bomani and Musango, we will get to experience the thrill of the wilderness in two very different ways.

“This small-group safari, limited to just ten nine guests*, is designed to ensure a truly immersive adventure for those with limited time but very high expectations.” – Andy Higgs

* One room already booked, just 4 remaining!

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